APUSH Chapter 1 New World Beginnings Notes

Note: All notes for APUSH is from

The American Pageant, 12th Edition Textbook

Chapter 1 New World Beginnings

Peopling the Americas

- Ice Age 35,000 years ago

- Transformed sea into ice glaciers

- TF sea levels dropped, exposing a land bridge connecting Eurasia with North America.

- These small bands of nomadic Asian hunters gradually crossed that bridge, likely to have been following herds of game.

- Over 250 centuries, (25,000 years), they continued to trek across the Bering isthmus, peopling the American continents.

- End of Ice Age 10,000 years ago

- The sea levels rose, inundating the land bridge

- TF migration was terminated and the nomads were “isolated”

- HV the end of the ice age also cleared valleys of ice and allowed the migrants to eventually reach the far tip of South America.

- By 1942

- When the first Europeans arrived in America, around 54 million inhabited the Americas.

- The population is very controversial.

- The Peoples

- Incas in Peru and Mayans in Central America and Aztecs in Mexico shaped sophisticated civilizations.

- Agricultural practices based much on cultivation of maize

- Maize was Indian corn, which fed large populations.

- Well-developed commerce w/o wheels and animals incl. horses, ox.

- Aztecs developed human sacrifices

The Earliest Americans

- Sophistication of Native Civilization

- Agriculture, esp. corn, one a large scale.

- 7000 years ago civilization in Mexico changed wild grass to staple crop of corn.

- Makes complex, large scale centralized Aztec and Incan nation-states emerge.

- Pueblo peoples in Rio Grande Valley, by the time of contact in 16th century had:

- Had irrigation systems to water cornfields

- Multistoried buildings

- HV corn cultivation did not develop as fast through other tribes.

- There were no large populations comparable to Aztec Empire that existed in N America by European’s arrival.

- TF easily subdued Native Americans. V

- Other civilizations had developed with corn planting and had risen to populations of near 25,000.

- HV due to possible prolonged drought, ancient cultures had fallen into decline at about 1300.

- Advanced Corn Planting

- Cultivation of maize in addition to beans and squash reached east coast of modern day America in A.D. 1000

- Allowed to be grown concurrently while aiding other plants’ growth.

- TF had high populations rise from this rich diet

- Includes the Creek, Choctaw and Cherokee peoples.

- The Iroquois

- Lived in NE woodlands

- Inspired by Hiawatha, legendary leader in 16th century.

- Created the closest N American nation-states compared to Mexico’s Aztecs and Peru’s Incas

- Iroquois Confederacy organized politically to sustain a military

- Military went against enemies of other tribes and Europeans.

- Occurred for over a century

- Native Americans in General

- Some in impermanent, scattered settlements

- Some in more permanent settlements

- Women tended crops

- Men hunted, fished, and cleared fields for planting.

- TF developed matrilineal cultures where power and possessions passed down female side of family line.

- Did not affect nature as much as Europeans

o Were few in number

o Worshiped the spiritual world and nature.

o Occasional forest fires used to create hunting habitats for deer.

Indirect Discoverers of the New World

- Early explorers

- Norse seafarers from Scandinavia chanced upon NE America in 1000.

- TF founded present-day Newfoundland; had named it Vinland then.

- HV no support from strong nation-states and weak settlements

- TF discovery soon abandoned/forgotten except in song.

- The Christian Crusaders

- 11th – 14th century

- Christians attempted to seize Holy Land from Muslim control.

- TF entered Asia, “discovering” silk for clothing, drugs for medicine, perfumes, draperies, and spices.

- A Hungry Europe

- Trade with the East

- Had to travel long distances from Spice Islands, India, China

- Via ship or Silk Road.

- Long, treacherous route from East to Eastern Mediterranean ports.

- Muslim middlemen charged heavy tolls.

- TF prices of goods from the East are high price when they reached Italian merchants in Venice/Genoa.

- TF Europeans wanted to find faster/easier route to East or find alternate sources of supply.

- Marco Polo

- An Italian traveler

- Returned to Europe in 1295

- Began spreading tales of his journey in China

- With evidence suggesting the contrary.

- TF stimulated Europeans to search for cheaper route to riches of China.

- Advanced technology

- Before 15th century

- Europeans refused to explore south of southwest Africa

- Could not sail home w/ north winds and south-flowing currents.

- HV soon in about 1450

- Developed a caravel

- Invented by the Portuguese

- Could sail closer into the wind

- HV could use westward winds to sail NW from African coast toward the Azores.

- Azores are a Portuguese archipelago in the Atlantic

- TF natural barrier of the Sahara overcome

- Europeans can now explore the Sub-Saharan Africa

· Increase import of African gold

o About 2/3s of European supply

o Previously on camelback.

· Explore the mysterious West African kingdom of Mali and Timbuktu

- TF the Portuguese had quickly set up trading posts along African shore for gold and slave trade.

- The slave trade

- Arab flesh merchants and Africans have traded slaves long before Europeans.

· Higher prices for distant sources b/c could not run away

· Separated tribe members to prevent organized escape.

- TF Portuguese adopted this Arab/African practice.

· Built slave trade

o To work sugar plantations in African islands that belonged to Portugal, and later Spain.

o 40,000 Africans carried to sugar islands in late 1500s

o Was a catalyst to regional African cultures in addition to Arab/African trade before Europeans.

- Continued Portuguese Exploration

- Bartholomeu Dias, Portuguese

- Searched southwards for a water route to Asia

- Managed to reach southern route of Africa in 1488.

- Vasco da Gama

- Rounded the whole of Africa and reached India 10 years later

· Gave name “Indies” to all islands of Asia/the Orient

- Returned w/ small amt of jewels, spices enough to spur growing European appetite for Asian riches

- The Spanish

- In MW had united

- Previously had a disunited Spain from conflicts b/w Islam and Christianity

- Henry IV died in 1474, setting fight for throne of Castile

- Isabella I of Castile getting to the throne was supported by Kingdom of Aragon

- Soon Isabella I and Ferdinand II of Aragon married

- TF created the Kingdom of Spain.

- In addition with the expulsion of Muslim moors as Isabella/Ferdinand were Catholic.

- MW Portuguese controlled Africa in south and east

- TF also controlled water route to India

- TF Spanish accepted Columbus and looked westward.

Columbus Comes Upon a New World

- Immediate Causes

- Europeans fought for easier routes to riches in the East

- Africa est. as source of cheap slave labor for plantation agriculture

- Long-range sea routes now accomplishable via Portuguese inventions

- Spain est. as united national state

- Renaissance created optimism and thirst for adventure

- AR of having too much wealth from rich merchants benefiting from trade w/ East

- Printing presses had spread knowledge faster

- Introduced in 1450.

- Compass helped w/ sea navigation

- Possibly from trade w/ Arabs

- The trip granted by Spain

- Given 3 tiny but capable ships

- Troubles bought by the crew

- Was a diverse group

- Superstitious due to traveling towards the unknown west

- TF grew rebellious

- After 6 weeks, on October 12, 1492, Columbus discovered Bahamas

- TF unleashed convulsion of Europe, Africa, the Americas

- Had set a stage for an flatter global stage in terms of economy

- Slaves from Africa, raw materials from New World, Old World provided technology and the markets.

When Worlds Collide

- What the New World brought

o Native New World Plants

§ Tobacco, maize, beans, tomatoes and potato to Europe

· Would eventually become 3/5 of the crops cultivated in world today

· Potato heavily impacted European diet

§ Crops to Africa

· Resulted in a growth of population though it was to keep the numbers growing for slave trade.

o Gold, silver introduced

- What the Old Word brought

o Old World crops

§ Wheat, sugar, rice and coffee

o Columbus returned to New World’s present day Haiti and Dominican Republic

§ Unloaded 1200 men and horses, cows pigs

· Horses had soon reached across much of North American mainland and Mexico, soon to Canada

· N American tribes adapted horse into hunting culture

o Incl. Sioux, Apaches, and Blackfoot tribes.

§ Sugar seeds brought flourished in Carribean climate.

· TF sugar added into European diets

· TF more Africans sent to work sugar plantations and mills in New World

§ Diseases

· Bought seeds of various plants and flowers

· HV also bought smallpox, yellow fever and malaria germs.

o Major factor in devastating Native Americans.

o Within centuries, more than 90% of natives fell due to new diseases

§ Many never met a European.

· Indians had however bought syphilis to Europeans.

The Spanish Conquistadors

- Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

- Secured Spain’s claim of Columbus’ discovery

- Divided Americas b/w Spain and Portugal

§ Portugal received territory in Asia and Africa and east South America.

- The Conquistadors (conquerors) in N America

- Vasco Balboa

§ Discovered the Pacific Ocean after reaching and crossing Panama

§ Accomplished 1513

- Ferdinand Magellan

§ One of his ships circumnavigated the world starting 1519 to 1522.

- Juan Ponce de Leon 1513 -1521

§ Reached Florida seeking gold

§ Killed by natives, but nevertheless navigated Florida

- Francisco Coronado

§ In quest of the mythical golden cities

§ Managed to find pueblos (special Native American houses)

§ Explored much of middle America and went as far east as Kansas

§ Found the Grand Canyon and Colorado River

· Along w/ river discovered bison (large herds of buffalo)

- Hernando de Soto

§ Another one who seeked gold 1539-1542.

§ From Florida and went westward to Mississippi River.

§ Had died from fever from conflict w/ Native Americans.

- The Conquistadors in S America

- Francisco Pizarro

§ Responsible for defeating Incas of Peru 1532

· TF added huge amount of riches towards home.

- Silver

§ A huge source in present-day Bolivia and Mexico.

§ Set off a price revolution of silver in 1600-1700s.

· May have fed the growth of capitalism

§ Filled up in vaults of bankers in European nations

· A material for coin currency

· TF stimulated commerce and manufacturing

§ Was a valuable asset to Asian traders whom previously had little interest in European goods.

- Use of the “West Indies” or islands of Carribean Sea

§ Name again a result of Columbus’s errors

§ Used as offshore bases by the Spanish before invading mainland.

§ Used weakly organized native communities on islands

· As laboratories for testing techniques that would later be used on the many advanced natives of Mexico and Peru

- Encomienda

§ The alias was that it allowed government to “give” Indians to certain colonists in return for the colonists’ attempt to Christianize them.

· HV was but a slavery.

Conquest of Mexico

- Hernan Cortez invades the Aztecs and gives way to Spanish Rule

§ 1519 Cortez traveled from Cuba to Mexico.

§ Was able to rescue a Spanish castaway enslaved by Mayan Native Americans and a Native American slave Malinche.

· Malinche knew both Mayan and Nahuatl

- Nahuatl = the language of Aztecs.

- Eventually learned Spanish

· Enabled effective communication w/ Aztecs

§ Cortez had also superior firepower

§ MW Aztecs were dealing with unrest among people under tribute.

· Cortez had also heard of Aztec’s riches, TF approached the kingdom.

· Had burned down the ships to quell rebellious troops and not allow for retreat.

§ Montezuma believed Cortez to be a god

· Due to legends of the Aztec and the entrance of riding on the mysterious “deer”.

§ Conflict arises

· Aztecs treated the Spanish hospitably at first

· HV due to greedy intake of gold and power, Aztecs soon attacked and drove the Spanish down into a retreat.

- On noche triste (sad night) of June 30, 1520

§ Fall of the Aztec Empire

· TF Cortez, through superior fire power, destroyed the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan on August 13, 1521.

· MW smallpox epidemic spread throughout Mexico.

§ Changes made for the Spanish

· Temples of Tenochtitlan destroyed for Christian cathedrals.

· Native population dwindled immediately from 20 – 2 mil.

§ What the invaders bought

· Crops, animals, language, laws, customs, and religion.

- Were adapted by the natives of Mexico.

· Cortez intermarried w/ surviving Indians

- TF created special culture of mestizos

§ Those of mixed Native American/Euro heritage

· TF there was contradictions yet pride among the new race of people.

The Spread of Spanish America

- Developing Spanish states

- Centered around silver-producing states in Mexico and Peru

§ Had subjugated (brought under control) many native Americans

§ Cathedrals, printing presses, and distinguished universities built.

- “Threats” to Spanish colonialism

- Included English John Cabot

§ Sent to explore NE coast of N America in 1497 and 1498.

- French King sent Giovanni da Verrazano to explore east coast of N America in 1524

- French Jacques Cartier journeyed up St. Lawrence River (NE PD America)

- TF northern settlements fortified

§ To protect claim of the lands in Americas and spread Christianity among natives.

§ TF buildings such as St. Augustine in Florida, 1565 built.

· Blocked French ambitions and protected sea routes to Carribean.

§ Coronado’s 1540s exploration to Rio Grande/Colorado River were a motivation for others to continue upwards.

§ French sent Robert de La Salle down Mississippi in 1680s.

· TF Spanish began in 1716 to settle in Texas.

· HV presence in NE Spanish-Mexican Empire remained weak for another century +.

- Don Juan de Onate led group across Sonora Desert (northern Mexico) and into Rio Grande Valley in 1598.

§ Abused the natives, esp. in Battle of Acoma 1599. (one foot cut off)

§ AR claimed province of New Mexico in 1609, w/ capital at Sante Fe a year later.

- Spanish in New Mexico

§ Little gold, but a lot of natives for conversion into Christianity.

§ Roman Catholic missions became center of efforts to convert

· HV in retaliation to suppression of native religions there was the Pope’s Rebellion in 1680.

- Destroyed every Catholic church in region, killed priests and hundreds of settlers

- Had built a kiva, a ceremonial religious chamber in Santa Fe.

· Approx 50 years later Spanish was able to reclaim New Mexico from natives.

- Spanish in California

§ Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo explored California in 1542

· HV no interesting finds

· AR California free from Europeans for around 200 years.

§ HV Spanish missionaries led by Father Serra in 1769

· Determined to Christianize 300,000 natives of California

· Indians adapted some of European culture and Christianity.

· HV lost native religion, and lost lives due to diseases.

- The Black Legend

§ The false concept that Spanish Conquistadors only tortured/killed natives “for Christ”, stole gold, infected them w/ small pox and left them.

· The false part is the “only”

§ As they had also est. large empire and integrated/spread religion into native culture.

· The Spanish est. were larger and richer than Anglo-Saxons (NW European tribes)

· Had also intermarried w/ many natives and integrated two cultures rather than isolating/shunning native culture like the English would soon do.