AP Exam FAQs

Q. Will CollegeBoard send us comprehensive AP scores??
A. No, you will never recieve anything more than a sheet listing your AP Grades, even if you order your free response packs.

Q.How do you call in for your scores?
A. Call the "Grades-by-Phone" Service Number of 1-888-308-0013 and then you pay $8 from your credit card. They are usually first available a few days before the reported date of July 1st. This number works for international testers as well.

Q. Do you need your AP Number to recieve grades?
A. No, if you chose to put your SSN on your tests, but yes if you chose not to.

Q. How can I recover my AP number?
A. Call their office at normal business hours at (609) 771-7300 or (888) 225-5427 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada). They will ask you some personal questions to confirm your identity.

Q. I called for my scores and some were missing. Why?
A. Scores are often not reported based on date of testing (later tests and make up tests take longer) or sometimes internationally.

Q. When will I receive my scores in the mail?
A. This varies from state to state, and often within the state itself. It is generally seen that the Western Coast states will recieve scores earliest and eastern Coast last. The scores can arrive anytime between 1st and 3rd week of July.