Entry #8 When the World is Crashing Down...

No, my grades aren't falling. (Kind of). And no, I am not ... having some unfortunate events occur around me that the world is crashing down.

By "World is Crashing Down" I mean the expected doomsday I am ... well, expecting should I continue self-studying WHAP.

Why am I even defending my title, who cares about why? =P

Wow. It's been forever since I updated.

And forever since I touched the AP World History book.

And ... well technically, that forever is still continuing because by "touching" the AP World History book, I mean literally touching it and that's it.

Not studying it.

Which ... well I think I won't have the time to self-study WHAP. As interesting as it is (amazingly, even the second time I read through it), I think it's better if I self-study next year.

I have APUSH this year, but I'll have AP Euro next year. Perhaps that would help a lot? And plus, various upperclassmen friends have told me NOT to self-study when you have little AP experience.

OK. So maybe I'll give up self-studying AP world history? But...giving up isn't something I do...

But then, being practical is something that I would like to do (by "like to do" I mean, it hardly is ever accomplished -- but I can have dreams, can't I?).

So I am back to where I started: Undecided.


Anonymous said...

Do it!
Do not waste time undecided!

Just do it!
You will regret this wasted time!!