Entry # 10 -- But the knowledge is still here :D


I just had an assignment discussing our opinions on sex-based infanticide, and I actually find myself flipping to my AP World History book to find the origins of gender division and gender inequality back in the Stone Age days!

Ahh, the good old times.

I remember all the terms that now float loosely in my head-- from Carthage to Ramses I, to ... Joan of Arc. Ahh, the good times.

I guess in a way, the time you spend into self-studying can never be "pointless". It'll come back and help you in some way.

Better for me is that I'm also in my school's quiz team. While I'm not in charge of history, certainly I can help out the history people with a bit of my own :D.

It's great to be able to go beyond the review book and find the time to appreciate the history :), as cheesy as that may sound.

Knowledge is power, even though I've given up on the AP aspect of World History. Hey, perhaps I may just go over this in my spare time and find myself taking the SAT Subject Test for this... say, next year?

Might be fun :)