Notable Figures in the American Revolution


In regards to the cause and the course of the American Revolution, discuss the importance and contributions of four of the following:

Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock.

Introduction and Thesis

Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, George Washington, Benn Franklin, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock were important figures who contributed greatly to the cause and the course of the American Revolution as they led resistance towards the British and rallied the American’s cause for independence.

Sam Adams

- Leader of Sons and Daughters of Liberty

o Organized boycotts against British rule which were very successful

§ American trade was ½ of British exports

- Created the committees of correspondence 1772

o Would keep spirit alive by sending letters alive

§ Letters about suspicious or potentially threatening British activities.

§ Gaspee Incident often discussed in letters, kept spirit alive.

o House of Burgesses took step forward and organized intercolonial committees in 1773

§ Step towards colonial unity

- Led Boston Tea Party disguised as Mohawks

Patrick Henry

- Radical, drove the revolution

o Drove Stamp Act Congress to nonimportation, nonexportation, nonconsumption

§ “If this be treason, make the most of it”

§ Main force behind American rebellious attitude towards British

- Liberty speech, driving force behind revolution

o “Give me liberty or give me death!” – Independence Speech

o “The colonies must either submit or triumph… we must not retreat”

George Washington

- Radiated patience, courage, self-dicipline and justice.

- Largest command ever was 1200 but charged forth.

- Battle of Trenton, capture of 1000 Hessians

o Notable victory and revived faltering cause.

- Lowest times in Valley Forge, read The Crisis “these are the times that try men’s souls”

o Great raised morale

Benjamin Franklin

- “Join or die” cartoon published in Pennsylvania Gazette

o Called for unity of colonists in French and Indian War or else they would die separately

- Secured open alliance with France after Battle of Saratoga

- Cunning diplomat to Treaty of Paris 1783

Benedict Arnold

- Arnold’s Naval Battle

o Massive victory against British General Burgoyne

o Prevented British from recapturing essential fort of Ticonderoga

- Betrays the Patriot cause

o Turns to the British

- Secures victory at Battle of Saratoga

o As Burgoyne did not receive reinforcements and forced to surrender to General Gates.

§ Revived faltering colonial cause

§ Essential for securing French

· Which would make up of all of navy at Battle of Yorktown

· Would supply 90% of Americans ammunition in the first 2 and a half years in Independence.

Thomas Jefferson

- Wrote explanation of Richard Henry Lee’s arguments

o “All men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness”

o Underscored significance of American Revolution as “an enlightened war”

- Strong proponent of the lessons of the Enlightenment Age

o Natural rights to self government, government is to have power from the consent of the governed.

- Declaration of Independence led to Patrick Henry’s “The die is now cast; the colonies must either submit or triumph….we must not retreat”

John Hancock

- Most notable smuggler of Massachusetts

o Would lead the anti-Navigation Laws of smuggling activity.

- Rebel leader in Lexington and Concord

- President of Second Continental Congress

o Responsible for Olive Branch petitions