How United Were the Colonies Up to 1776?


Discuss how specific events, beliefs and geography both helped and hindered in uniting the colonists up to 1776.

Introduction and Thesis

Specific events, beliefs and geography both helped and hindered the unification of the colonists prior to 1776.

Body Paragraph 1 – Specific Events both helped and hindered in uniting the colonists.

- Helped the colonists unite

o End of salutary neglect > British 140 mil pounds in debt after French and Indian War, more in debt by sending troops > Half from defending Americans

o MW Benjamin Franklin’s famous “Join or Die” cartoon.

§ TF PM George Grenville introduction of Stamp Act

§ TF No taxation without representation” by famous Boston politian James Otis

- Had virtual representation, no actual representation in Parliament.

§ Colonists’ very liberties threatened

§ Patrick Henry calls for action against Stamp Act

- “If this be treason, make the most of it”

§ AR Stamp Act Congress 1765

- Adoption of nonimportation, nonexportation, nonconsumption

o Spontaneously united American people for first time

§ Sons and Daughters of Liberty

- Led by Samuel Adams with Liberty, Property, and no Stamps

o AR British Boston Massacre

§ Crispus Attucks died, 4 others.

§ Paul Revere with famous depiction of events spreads news of horrible “massacre”

- Spread through Americans, united opposition to British

o Intolerable Acts

§ Appeared to threaten American liberties once more via no rep assembly or trial by jury along with Catholics allowed to office.

§ TF Continental Congress 1774

- Declaration of Rights, creation of the Association

o Called for complete boycott of British goods

o Lexington and Concord

§ Colonists unite, Paul Revere’s “midnight ride” to warn against British

- “One if by land, two if by sea” Paul Revere

- Minutemen to protect Sam Adams and John Hancock

o TF entered war with “Give me liberty or give me death!” attitude

§ And after Declaration of Independence 1776 “the die is now cast; the colonies must either submit or triumph…we must not retreat” – Patrick Henry > necessity for unity.

- Hindered Unification

o British stops salutary neglect, inflicts money shortages

§ Gold and silver drained, Congress money “not worth a Continental

§ TF people would later sell to British for great profit while Washington would be freezing in Valley Forge

o Money shortages cause only frontier villages to donate to French and Indian War soldiers]

o Bacon’s Rebellion

§ Increased tensions between aristocrats and backcountry farmers

Body Paragraph 2– Beliefs both helped and hindered the colonists

- Beliefs that helped unification

o Republicanism

§ Part of Enlightenment of 18th century Europe

o Enlightened Age

§ By John Locke in Two Treatise of Governments who argued that when a government who failed to protect a colonist’s natural rights, is colonist’s obligation to overthrow government

· Common Sense by Thomas Paine, appeal to the commoners.

§ Would be reflected in Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson

· Americans influenced by Rosseau and Locke enlightened thinkers

· TF All men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

o Anti-Catholicism

§ In Quebec Act of 1774 gave Catholics rise to office

§ Believed was direct threat to Puritanism and otherwise established Anglican Church in South

· United religiously against the British, believed that British meant harm in this conciliatory act.

- Beliefs that hindered unification

o Great Awakening splits churches

§ Conflict between “old lights” and “new lights”

· Presbyterian and Methodists split over issue

o Religious conflicts

§ Maryland established as a haven for Catholics

· Protestant backcountry farmers soon to outnumber Christians

o “Act of Toleration” to protect Catholics though in name was to “tolerate” all Christians

§ Rhode Island and North Carolina as the “dissenters”

· Called “Rogue Island” and “that sewer” by critics

· Founded by Roger Williams, former Puritan but highly despised by Puritan New England states.

· Independent nature of Rhode Island caused them to be wary of attempts at unity, esp. Albany Plan at Albany Congress

o Thought it gave too little independence.

o New England incl. Massachusetts Bay governed by “city upon a hill” Winthrop

§ No toleration for others

· Would even banish own Puritans of Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams.

· “Blue Laws”

§ TF conflict with est. Anglican Church at South, but not very religiously motivated.

Body Paragraph 3 – Geography both helped and hindered the colonists

- Helped the colonists

o Widespread region of American land contributed to the thirst of Americans wanting more land.

§ Daniel Boone settled past Appalachians and bought Tennessee and Kentucky.

o Were native to the land and united them in conflict

§ Hills near Breed’s Hill (Bunker Hill) enabled Americans to inflict damage on more than a thousand redcoats

§ AR George III in Prohibitory Act 1775 proclaimed all American colonies “in rebellion”

o Lack of effective transportation over geography > dependence on sea ports

§ TF when seaports of Boston closed via Boston Port Act, all colonies donated to sister colony.

- Hindered the colonists

o Large land prevented effective communication between colonies

o Difference in geography led to different industries, and consequently different social hierarchies > would lead to disagreements over slavery

§ Rocky soil leads to small industry and no little slavery

§ Fertile land in “Bread Colonies” and Chesapeake colonies paved path towards slavery

· Issue of slavery heavily divides North and South in Independence

o George Washington, wealthy plantation owner opposed hiring of slaves

§ Virginia + Maryland tightened slave patrols

· HV soon began hiring due to Lord Dunmore’s calls

o Presence of aristocratic atmosphere

§ No large plantation fields in North due to rocky soil

§ Plantation fields in South

· Indentured servants to be 75% of Chesapeake colonies

· Aristocratic atmosphere contrasts with North’s democratic town meetings

· Difference in social governance leads to lack of unity.